Mechanical plugs
Mechanical plugs are systems used for the temporary closing of pipelines. They are loaded to the pipeline after the interruption of the flow in the pipeline as a safety element or in order to close a section of the pipeline for the purpose of pressure tests.
Mechanical plugs are systems used for the temporary closing of pipelines. They are loaded to the pipeline after the interruption of the flow in the pipeline as a safety element or in order to close a section of the pipeline for the purpose of pressure tests. The mechanical plugs is provided with a rubber element that is mechanically squeezed when inside the pipeline in order to push the rubber against the internal wall of the pipeline and to close the pipeline. The mechanical closures are designed either as cask-like or discs given the shape of the rubber element. Both options may be provided with an opening/passage fir the depressurising of the closed section of the pipeline. The ending of the opening/passage may be modified as required by the customer (following the sheet 2.6-3 of this catalogue). The opening/passage in the below described mechanical plugs is ended with a self-closing quick acting coupling system or a ball valve and a fact acting coupling system for the connection of a vent hose. This part may be arbitrarily modified respecting the requirements of the customer. The mechanical plugs are delivered individually or in the below described sets individually configured based on customer´s requirements.
Closed pipeline diameter:
15 – 1000 mm (and more)
Natural gas, non-aggressive gases and liquids, other media subject to consultation with the customer.
Maximum pressure in the closed pipeline:
up to 6 bar *
Working temperature:
* Maximum pressure subject to the type and version of the closure