Closing balloons RVT
Closing balloons RVT are dimension-variable balloons for the temporary closing of the media flow in the pipeline of varying interior diameter. The working part of the closing balloon is made of a special rubber mixture. The mixture composition is defined with regard to the properties of medium flowing in the pipeline to be closed and mechanical properties of the rubber that allow in combination with a specially designed shape and dimensions for the closing of the pipeline of varying interior diameter. The loading part consists of various components based on specific balloon application requirements. The structure of the loading part components is further described on the following catalogue sheets, however, if necessary, it may be flexibly modified according to the wish of the customer. For safety reasons, the service life of some applications used for pipeline closing (e.g. closing of flammable gas pipelines) may be limited in time. The service life is shown on the identification plate or on the pressed-in edge of the balloon. After the lapse of such a service life period, the product may be sent to the manufacturer for overhaul.
For the application range and specifications of individual types of closing balloons RVT following respective catalogue sheets.