FASTRA, s.r.o. / Disc plugs

Disc plugs

Disc closures consist of two (or more) metallic discs with a sealing rubber disc/ring between the metallic ones. Turning the handle the metallic discs gets closer to each other squeezing the sealing rubber disc/ring and pressing it against the interior wall of the pipeline. All disc closures are equipped with a ball bearing in order to reduce the force necessary to control the sealing element squeezing.


For the range of internal parameters of closed pipelines see the table
(other dimensions optional).
Metallic disc material:
Aluminium alloy as a standard, V4A steel upon request
Sealing rubber disc/ring material:
Rubber SBR/NR

DN dimension Application range for internal diameter from to (mm)
70 65 - 75
80 75 - 85
90 85 - 95
100 95 - 105
110 105 - 115
125 120 - 135
130 125 - 145
140 135 - 155
150 145 - 165
160 155 - 175
175 170 - 190
190 185 - 205
200 195 - 210
210 205 - 225
225 220 - 240
250 245 - 270
260 255 - 280
275 270 - 295
300 295 - 315
310 305 - 320
325 320 - 330
350 335 - 375
375 360 - 415
400 385 - 425
450 435 - 475
500 485 - 525
2-03-2020, 18:19
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